October 12, 2011

Welcome to the Terrordome

I’ve got to say, this is pretty cool. I found out a few days ago that my parents had put the finishing touches on my new bedroom. And not just any new room – my own new room. I haven’t even been born yet, and I get my own room! My parents are both 31, and they have to share their room!

Looks pretty green, right? Mom and Dad decided on these colors before they knew whether I was a boy or a girl, because they didn’t want to go with the old “blue for boy, pink for girl” plan. It’s probably for the best. Even if I end up as a girly girl, I can’t say I would’ve been thrilled about feeling like I was drowning in a sea of pink cotton candy.

And the green fits, because the room itself is a shrine to recycling, repurposing and hand-me-downs. My parents, in their infinite wisdom (or cheapness, I can’t figure out which) decided there wasn’t a lot to be gained by buying every piece of furniture brand-new. In fact, the only big-ticket items in here that are really “new” are the rug and the wall decal.


The crib and changing table were given to us by my Auntie Heather and Uncle Brian, who used them previously for their two daughters (my cousins Madeline and Addison). The glider chair was a yard sale find. And the table next to the chair was just an old bar stool that my Uncle Ben was nice enough to saw down, and then Dad gave it a few coats of paint. So industrious!

This cabinet used to hold my parents’ DVD collection. Now it’s home to adorable outfits that I’ll outgrow in a matter of months. Mom just touched it up with some paper and decorative leaves.

The bookcase? Well, that’s always been a bookcase. No need to mess with the classics. Right now, Dad is working hard to stock it with a bunch of books from his childhood, which he'll probably enjoy a lot more than I will.

The music boxes on the shelf, plus the Beatrix Potter pictures on the walls, were in my Auntie Sarah’s room when she was a baby way back when. Auntie Sarah and Uncle PJ have given me a ton of stuff that was used by my cousins Jackson and Brooklyn: a bassinet, hamper, swing chair, clothes, toys (TOYS!) and more.

So, hooray for being thrifty! Speaking of which: It’s not shown here, but my parents found me a car seat in an alley in downtown Seattle. A little duct tape and bleach here and there, and now it’s good as new! I’m kidding, of course. Mom and Dad bought my stroller, car seat, baby monitor and a few other important items at Babies ‘R’ Us and Target. Turns out, you can put a price on safety, and it ain't cheap.

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