October 6, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself

Hi there. My name’s Elizabeth Catherine Rose, but if you like, you can just call me Eliza. In fact, I’d prefer it. Otherwise, that’s a ton of letters for me to remember, considering I’m still, you know, just a fetus.

Above you is one of the few photos of me that currently exists. It was taken about four months ago. Cute, huh? Yeah, I don’t see it either. Back then, I still looked more like a jellyfish than a baby. But until I see the light of day, that’s the best photo you’re going to get. I’d like to think I’ll look better once I can get a little fresh air.

These are my parents, Mike and Lauren. I’m in there somewhere. They seem like nice enough folks, at least from what muffled things I hear from time to time. That’s why I feel a teensy bit guilty about everything I’m going to put them through over the next couple of years – or the next 18 years, come to think of it. Look at those poor fools. They have no idea what I have in store for them.

In case you’re wondering where my name comes from – or, more importantly, why two (allegedly) loving parents would saddle a kid with such a long name – Elizabeth and Catherine are the middle names of my mom’s two sisters. They also happen to be the names of two famous English queens. No pressure, right?

Anyway, here we are.

I’m due to make my much-anticipated debut exactly two weeks from today. I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to keep to that schedule or not, but until I do, I’ll be posting a few more of my thoughts on this page. And once I’m out, I’ll keep you regularly updated on what’s going on in my world (spoiler alert: lots of pooping and crying).

And if you can’t suspend your disbelief long enough to pretend that a baby can blog from inside her mother’s womb? You could probably stand to lighten up a little. If not, I might just spit up on you when I meet you. Then again, I'll probably be doing that to everybody.


  1. I can't wait to meet you Eliza! You're going to make "those poor fools" so very tired, and so very, very happy. :) --Jen

  2. Stephanie Cheyenne VizeOctober 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM

    Dear little Eliza: Give 'em heck, sweetheart. I'll bet your first word will be either "Wazzu" or "Go Cougs!". God bless you and your precious family.
