July 31, 2012

C'mon, Mom...

Remember all those wonderful things I’ve written about my mom over the past nine months? There’s this gem. And this one. And don’t forget this one. Well, I take them all back.

OK, not really, but she’s starting to test my patience. Last October, on my first Halloween, she dressed me up in a ridiculous peapod outfit when I was just nine days old. I wasn’t happy about it, but I forgave her pretty quickly because I was barely a week old and didn’t know any better. Besides, it was Halloween, and if you can’t dress up like an idiot on Halloween, when can you dress up like an idiot?

But this is going too far: Last week, Mom got a little nutty and decided to put me back into that outfit, because apparently she’s insane.

A wise man once said, “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” Strong words. Strong, bewildering words. But there’s a grain of truth in there somewhere. I can’t let this happen again.

If I’m going to break this vicious cycle of veggie-themed-outfit abuse, I’ve got to put my foot down. I wish there was some way to tell Mom that if she tries to dress me like a tomato for Halloween this year, I’ll get a tattoo of Richard Nixon on my forehead the day I turn 16. Oh, wait. I guess I just did tell her. For the sake of both of us, I hope she heeds my warning.

By the way, I’m a very good eater for the most part. I drink my bottles of formula quickly, without any unnecessary dawdling or shenanigans. I eat a wide variety of baby food without complaint, from squash and carrots to peaches and apples. My ability to pick up one Cheerio at a time and (eventually) get it in my mouth is unmatched.

Yes, I'm wearing a "My First X-mas" bib in July.

But to this day, there’s one food that I simply refuse to eat. Do you know what it is? You guessed it:

Nice going, Mom.

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