February 1, 2012

Strange days ahead

Wait, you're telling me I CAN'T spend every day with Mom?

Lots of changes going on in the Rose household this week. After a little more than three months of maternity leave, Mom went back to work on Monday. But this was no typical return to work – she’s starting a completely new job with a new company. As if leaving the coolest baby in the world wasn’t hard enough, she also has to learn the ropes of a new job and impress new employers and co-workers at the same time. And on top of all that, she’s learning to use a Mac, something no member of our family (including me) has ever successfully done before.

Luckily, we’ve been able to ease into the transition a little. Dad took the day off work on Mom’s first day so he could stay home and take care of me, so she knew that I would be in good hands. We had a great day together playing, and we went for a walk on Alki Beach since it was a sunny afternoon. At 5 p.m., we drove downtown to pick Mom up from work, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen her more excited to see me. And the same goes for me seeing her, too. I don’t think I fully realized just how great she was until I had to be apart from her for an entire day.

And then on Tuesday, when Dad went back to work, YaYa and Grumps (Mom’s parents) took her for the day. And Dad works from home on Wednesdays, so we’re hanging out together again right now.

But it’s the rest of the week (and going forward) that’s going to be the big change. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be spending Thursdays and Fridays with Nicole, a stay-at-home mom with two young daughters of her own. And on Mondays and Tuesdays, I’ll be with Caroline, a longtime family friend of Mom’s who has two young sons. I’m looking forward to both; it’ll be fun to get some regular face time with some people closer to my age, and both Nicole and Caroline have a lot of great activities planned for me – trips to the aquarium, libraries for story time, and we’ll even hit up the park when it warms up.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss my time with Mom. These past three months have been pretty great for both of us. We’ve gotten to know each other so well – all our foibles and quirks, and what makes each other tick. She’s always ready to cuddle, or sing some goofy old English song. More than anything else, she always knows how to put a smile on my face.

Thanks, Mom. Can’t wait to see you when you get home every night!

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