March 21, 2013

I got nothin'

Howdy, everybody! Remember me? Yes, I know it's been a month since my last post. Yes, I know it was less than three months ago that I said I'd never again take that long between posts. Yes, I know I'm a filthy liar.

To make it up to you, I'm sharing this photo. I'm quite adorable in it. Consider it a peace offering for my inactivity.

Other than that, though, I've got precious little to share with you. There hasn't been much to chat about over the past month. It also doesn't help that my editor has been sick for much of March. [Editor's note: Thanks for pinning the blame on me, lady.] But I do have a few upcoming posts in the hopper, so April should be an entertaining month. I'm also headed to Hawaii next week with Mom and Dad, so I'll have a complete debriefing afterward.

Till next time...

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