August 20, 2012

On the move

Well, it appears that all my training for the Olympics has paid off. I'm now officially a crawler.

Over the last month or so, I’ve been working my butt off, trying to master the art of crawling, and I’m now proud to say that I’ve done it. Need proof?

Check out the speed! The power! The agility! The pajamas that Dad left me in all day!

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that developments like this one often result in a mixed bag of consequences. As such, there are a few pros and cons related to my newfound mobility. Here's a quick rundown:

Pro: Because crawling takes so much effort, I tire myself out more easily, which means I'm sleeping better at night. [Editor's note: This is a HUGE pro.]

Con: Every electrical outlet and cord in the house is now within reach, so Mom and Dad can't put off baby-proofing anymore.

Pro: Freedom! Never again will I be limited to playing with whichever toy just happens to be placed directly in front of me. If I don't like what I have, I can hit the open road and find another toy to play with.

Con: Mom and Dad can no longer sit me on the bed when they're getting ready in the morning, since I'd just crawl right off the edge. (In related news, babies are awful at understanding their surroundings.) So I'm stuck sitting in the pack-and-play with just a couple of toys to keep me sane. I'm like Steve McQueen in "The Great Escape."

Con: If it's a stray crumb, scrap of paper, piece of dirt, or any other item on the floor and within eyesight, I'm tracking it down and it's going in my mouth.

Pro: We don't have any stairs, so there's no need for one of those baby gates that Dad would inevitably fall over.

Con: I'm getting cuts, floor burns and rug burns all over my hands, knees and feet.

Pro: This toughens me up. Or so Dad says.

Pro/Con: I've found that, the less I'm wearing, the easier it is to crawl. But that means less protection for my hands, knees and feet (see above con). So Mom and Dad's go-to outfit for when I'm at home is just a onesie and leggings. I have this listed as both a pro and a con because, although the extra protection helps, the outfit as a whole makes me look ridiculous (admittedly, the sunglasses don't help).

1 comment:

  1. Embrace the leggings. On a side note I might have a bunch of child safe outlet covers you guys can have.
