April 17, 2012

Take me out to the ballgame. OK, take me home.

On Sunday, I headed downtown to Safeco Field with Mom and Dad to watch my first Mariners game. Although I suppose “watch” is a subjective term. I mostly took in all the sights and sounds surrounding the field, which included some pretty good people-watching. I touched on it a few weeks ago, but this – taking me to my first baseball game – was something Dad was really looking forward to, and I’d like to think it lived up to his expectations. [Editor's  note: It did.]

All dolled up in my Mariners hoody (a hand-me-down from my cousin Brooklyn).

Through one of her many work connections, Mom was able to score some tickets to the game. Then again, take a look at all of the empty seats behind us. I don’t think it would’ve taken much to track down some tickets ourselves for this one. It’s been a while since anybody’s been beating down doors to watch the Mariners face the A's.

That said, Mom’s work connection was able to get us seats on the Terrace Club level, and this turned out to be perfect for our situation. We could sit in our seats, which had a great view of the field, and when I got a little chilly or tired of sitting, we could head inside to the Terrace Club concourse, which was fully enclosed (thus, nice and warm). On top of that, as soon as we entered the Terrace Club, some nice people gave me a certificate to commemorate my first Mariners game, plus a trading card featuring the Mariner Moose (which I promptly chewed up).

Nice handwriting, Dad.

As it turns out, I wasn’t too keen on sitting for very long, so we were on the move by the middle of the second inning. We went inside, where Dad grabbed a hot dog and a beer and Mom had an iced tea while we watched the game from behind some windows. Sure, it’s not the ideal way to watch a ballgame, but it was a nice way to ease me in.

From there, we did a lap around the stadium, stopping every minute or so to watch the game from various spots. I found that Mom and Dad really liked the centerfield area, since that was the only area in the stadium that was sunny. We also made a pit stop at the Dave Niehaus statue in centerfield, where Dad and I got our photo taken.

Gimme gimme gimme!

I have nothing to add here, other than to point out how adorable I am.

"My, oh my!"

By now, it was the sixth inning, the Mariners were up 5-3, and I was getting hungry. We came back to the Terrace Club, where Mom changed my diaper in a family bathroom and Dad gave me a bottle while we sat in a comfy chair. Check him out, completely ignoring me as he watches the game on TV.

Father of the Year.

We stayed long enough to see the seventh inning stretch, by which time I was making it pretty evident that I had had enough excitement for one day. And although Dad said it went against everything he believed in to leave a game early, he was more than happy to accommodate my wishes. I doubt it’s the last time he'll have to do that.

The final tally? Mariners get the win, Dad gets a few beers, Eliza gets another new experience, and Mom gets to change a diaper in another public restroom. Everybody wins!

Ready to hit the road!

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