April 9, 2012

On the third day, she looked adorable

This weekend, I went with Mom and Dad to visit Dad’s parents in the Tri-Cities, and to celebrate my first Easter. As you might recall, the last time I was in the Tri-Cities, I was in a less-than-ideal mood. This time, I was healthy as a horse and happy as a clam (and any other animal idioms you can think of), so everybody had a wonderful time. The weather was great, we went for a walk, I got to see my Auntie Carri and Uncle J, and we had a fantastic dinner on Saturday night. I even got presents from my Grammy (a new summer outfit) and Auntie Carri (a set of books to read with Mom and Dad). Not bad at all.

That beautiful dress you see me wearing came courtesy of my Auntie Sue and Uncle Ric from across the pond in England. They sent it not long after I was born, and Mom and Dad were delighted to find that it fit me perfectly a little more than five months later, just in time for Easter.

So of course I wore this to the Easter service at church, where I fit in quite nicely with all the other kids in their fancy Easter dresses. Naturally, Grammy was all too happy to carry me around and show me off to her friends. More than a few people said that I looked just like my daddy in a dress. I’m not sure which one of us should be more offended by that. Probably me.

Anyway, this turned out to be a big family weekend on both sides of the mountains. After we left the Tri-Cities on Sunday afternoon, we drove to Redmond to visit Mom’s parents for an Easter lamb dinner. Mom’s mom, my YaYa, had hip replacement surgery a couple of weeks ago. She’s obviously a fast healer, because she’s already up and walking around. But she’s still in a lot of pain, so I’d like to think that my happy face helped make her feel at least a little better.

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